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At Manchester Digital, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们在大十大网博靠谱平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Laura Harper, Partner at Lewis Silkin LLP.

What does your organisation do?

我们与领先企业合作,保护并提升他们最重要的资产——他们的创意, their people. We call it: Ideas. People. Possibilities.

我们市场领先的技术和数字团队为国家和地区科技公司的全球创新业务提供支持. Our award-winning employment team is one of the largest in the UK, 在就业法的各个领域都有专门的专家,并在当时的问题上有领先的先例.

创意、技术和创新是我们所做一切的核心. 这反映在我们的工作方式上,也反映在我们合作的企业类型上. 我们作为值得信赖的合作伙伴与客户一起工作,并汇集领先的商业伙伴,帮助将创意变为现实, corporate, employment, data and privacy, dispute resolution, immigration, intellectual property and real estate lawyers to help create, optimise, manage and protect ideas and business.

无论你是一家快速成长的初创企业还是一家大型跨国企业, we help you realise the potential in your business and people, and navigate your strategic legal issues, both nationally and internationally. 


利用人工智能——无论是从运营角度还是从监管角度, scope and ability of AI tools continue to grow, and as the regulatory framework changes around them.

In December 2023, Michelle Donelan (Secretary of State for Science, 《十大网博靠谱平台》(Innovation and Technology)建议英国政府未来将引入人工智能立法(尽管这在本届议会会议上不太可能发生),欧盟人工智能法案正接近成为法律, 因此,我们可能会在2024年及以后看到人工智能监管框架的重大转变.

我们还可能看到基于竞争和市场管理局最新审查结果的进一步磋商, 启动数字监管合作论坛——人工智能与数字中心, 以及英国上议院通信和数字委员会发布的十大网博靠谱平台大语言模型的报告.


From an employer perspective, 因为该行业希望在工作场所利用人工智能工具和分析, 公司需要负责任地管理工具,以避免与偏见相关的监管和工作场所挑战, discrimination, privacy, data protection, transparency, trust, and fairness.

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?


We push ourselves to take on challenges, to try new things, to drive innovation and to be aspirational in everything we do. 我们一心一意做自己想做的事,也相互信任对方能做到. We also support each other, 我们的客户和我们的社区,公平和尊重对待彼此.

我们拥抱多样性,并为培养一种让员工能够充分发挥自我的文化而感到自豪. 这使我们能够吸引和留住有才能的律师,并保持较低的离职率, 并在独立的“最佳工作场所”调查中一直得到认可. 

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?


我们乐于迎接这一挑战,并与客户合作,提出创新的解决方案,帮助他们抓住机遇,管理成本, including embracing new legal-tech where appropriate, such as AI tools and automated document production tools.


近年来,十大网博靠谱平台的科技行业受益于投资和机遇的增加(2020年至2022年期间,投资增长了311%)。, including AI investment opportunities. 我们认为这种情况将继续下去——十大网博靠谱平台的大学培养人工智能毕业生,推动人工智能创新, government policies supporting the city’s tech and AI growth, the number of tech start-ups continuing to increase. The city is now home to over 10,000 tech companies. 

十大网博靠谱平台有一个共同的未来目标,那就是把十大网博靠谱平台打造成新兴数字行业的世界级目的地. Manchester’s cultural partnerships, creative systems, 较低的生活成本和充满活力的社区将继续促进其科技行业的投资和增长,并使科技公司能够吸引和留住熟练的专业人员. 我们正在见证十大网博靠谱平台商业格局的战略转型, ensuring Manchester’s resilience in an ever-evolving digital future. 

Tell us something that we might not know about your company?

我们公司的名字来自工党议员刘易斯·西尔金,他在20世纪50年代创立了我们公司. 尽管出身贫寒,西尔金还是获得了牛津大学的奖学金. 

We are inspired by this story within our own history. 这是我们文化和价值观的核心,也是我们致力于确保进入法律行业的机会是公开和公平的, and that the profession itself is diverse and socially inclusive.

Thank you Laura! 

Learn more about Lewis Silkin here.

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