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Assessing the impact of INP

INP -- or "Interaction to Next Paint" -- is Google's newest Core Web Vitals metric, and it's already redefining the UX standards that your site needs to hit... with some surprising results.

Want to know how INP could be impacting your site? And more importantly: what you can do to improve it? Join our Head of Tech SEO, Chris Lever, and our SEO Director, Michael Scowcroft, for a free webinar on Thurs 9th May at 11 am (GMT).

They'll be delving into:

🔥 What Google has said about INP
🔥 What they've actually seen since the March update
🔥 How you can measure INP
🔥 The crucial changes you should make to help your site pass INP with flying colours
🔥 Answers to YOUR most pressing questions

Interested? Sign up below for free. Once you've signed up, we'll send you a link to the webinar a couple of hours before it's due to start.

9 May 2024 11:00 - 12:00

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